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  • A view frustum is defined as four-plus-two planes attached to a camera.
    • An inwards facing plane for each edge of the window/viewport.
      • Simply referred to as top, right, bottom and left.
      • Built from the cameras position and field-of-view.
    • A plane facing into the screen called the near-plane, at some close distance depth_near/zNear.
    • A plane facing the camera called the far-plane, at some far distance depth_far/zFar.
  • Pieces of geometry (like meshes and chunks) have bounding volumes.
  • Generally an axis-aligned bounding box, defined as a pair of min & max 3d vectors, is used.
  • A chunk of voxels has an implicit bounding-box that fully encases it.
  • A chunk may have an explicit bounding-box encasing only the visible voxels.
